Monday, February 20, 2017

Toku Pepeha

Taeotu 1 are focusing on Identity as part of our learning for Term 1. What makes us unique? Who are we, really? What similarities and differences do we have with the rest of the class?

As part of this learning about ourselves, and each other, we are creating a Slideshow copy of our pepeha to share.
Most students will come home with questions about their whakapapa or ancestry. 
Please ask your child about this and have a chat with them so that they come prepared with the information they need. 

We appreciate the help :-)

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Sunday, February 19, 2017


Kia ora koutou,

Welcome to the Taeotu 1 blog for 2017. This is where you can catch up with our in-class antics, our out of class adventures and upcoming notices and events. It will also be a page where we celebrate learning in all its forms e.g. sports, Pathways classes, whanau days, writing, name it!

Who Are Taeotu 2017?
We are a Year 8 class of 19 boys and 12 girls. We are a mix of students that have returned to RIS after Year 7 and we have some students who are new to our school. The places we have come from are important but so too is our journey together. He waka eke noa. We are all in this together for 2017!

Taeotu Whanau Vision
ENCOURAGING a COLLABORATIVE learning environment of DISCOVERY where all learners have a sense of BELONGING and are ACTIVE CONTRIBUTORS .

Kia kotahi ai tātou ki te poipoiā he akoranga taiao hei whakamanawa ngā tauira ki te tūhuratanga ō te whanaungatanga kia awhi, kia tautoko, kia manawanui.


Taeotu was the grandson of Tunohopu. He was a great leader in a time of peace. His descendant was Petera Te Pukuatua, who helped to shape the township, and whose father was the inspiration for Pukuatua Street. Taeotu has links with Tunohopu and Tamatekapua marae.

This is us...
