Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 9 Whanau Days

Taeotu Whanau had an awesome couple of days in Week 9. Students attended groups on a rotation basis over the 2 whanau days and took part in a number of art workshops that were focused on the theme of Identity and Unity.

The teachers enjoyed the opportunity to meet and spend time with all students in our house and students enjoyed being creative in a variety of different settings.

Here are a few photos from the day:

In Taeotu One, students helped create a Unity Banner. This was made by designing a circle that told the story of our unique identity. The circle was then cut and placed to show how our identity connects to others in our whanau - this made a beautiful maze of patterns that will soon hang in the new Taeotu building block. Ka pai to everyone who made such a great effort!

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